
an evening tide beauty of the chi hair products ceramic and let you rob mirror

Around windows off all produced by the glass, a reflection of the outside seven chi flat irons color of the sun, looks beautiful. The curtains were all unified water green looks refreshing, but also to protect the eyes from the chi. Also stood on the windowsill pot of small potted plants in the basin, natural is used to purify the air, can also play the role of aesthetics.

The second floor of death are private rooms, was the ring around the first floor of the hall. It is divided into medium Tuen twenty-four chi, respectively, based on the 24 solar terms are named: the twelve between the finest packets of, respectively, to December chi flower named after; and four top-level package, also known as the VIP room, respectively. wind, flowers, snow, month to name.

The third floor rooms, stay in use, and is divided into single and double rooms, the price of natural chi flat iron also different equipment layout of the room.See the whole restaurant down, chi did not find a complaint at all, even more heart grateful for the Palace of terraced rice paddies. This guy really is the main things can be reassuring.

